The Stubborn, Unbending, Persistent Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius 7th Aug 2017

Posted: August 6, 2017

Most astrologers seem to agree on the fact that the month of August 2017 looks incredibly intense, with some already feeling the heat of the oncoming eclipses. With an impending…

There Are No Accidents In Choosing The People We Love….

Posted: July 17, 2017

As per the Buddhist teaching, “there are no coincidences in life. The people we choose as partners have a purpose in our life. Whether it is to make us grow…

Full Moon In Scorpio 10th May 2017: Convert Fear To Love

Posted: May 9, 2017

It’s the time for opening your heart, understanding the complexities of your relationship. On the other hand, if you are done trying, this would be the perfect time to cut that someone off from your life, or of a situation that is no longer adding any value to your life. It’s a time of being courageous, of taking back your power, tapping deep inside you for the strength and wisdom you possess.

Unrequited Love….

Posted: April 30, 2017

I unfortunately have no rule book which would dictate, “You have to text only when its their birthday” or “Don’t pine for them!” Every relationship is different, every person is different, and different things work for different people. What I do understand is, it’s helpful to create some extra space between yourself and the person you’re interested in. It could mean, cutting down the time texting, updating them about your life or showing interest in theirs. Honestly? It may sound harsh, but either you learn to accept that, for whatever reason, and for however long, this circle is the pattern you’re going to live with. (of playing the patient game and then having the innocent drink) and be okay with it.You don’t need to keep looking for signs that it’s over, but what you may really want is proof that it could happen. So, be clear – of what you want or what you wish for. Hidden desires have a way of manifesting themselves that could confuse your current relationship.

Venus Retrograde & How It Will Effect You (6th March – 15th April)

Posted: January 18, 2017

Use the retrograde to evaluate rather than react or act. Yes, there are possibilities, you could become acutely aware of existing problems in your love life or unresolved issues. Venus retrograde is a good time to re-assess and re-examine our relationship values. What are the kind of people we attract in our lives? Are we constantly attracting people who put us down, mock us or are we drawing supportive and nurturing partners. There’s a strong possibility of old lovers to resurface. For some, it may become necessary to heal old wounds and put to rest old issues.

Jupiter Loving in Libra Sept 10th

Posted: August 26, 2016

Let go of attachments in relationships, especially the one’s the force you to change. Let go of the “ego” in the relationship. The need to be right, the need to be validated/acknowledged. There are no coincidences as per Buddhism. We choose people who come as catalysts in our lives, shedding light into places we have kept hidden from the world. For most of us change is seldom easy and when it arises, we are either able to adapt to it or we decay with it. When we only have ourselves to reconcile with in life, this is less of a challenge. In a relationship, it is 10 times harder to deal with change as identities have become linked with another. As hard as this is to accommodate, it is working through these changes that develops us.

Beyond Fear Lies Freedom

Posted: May 11, 2016

Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves. Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.