The Stubborn, Unbending, Persistent Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius 7th Aug 2017

Posted: August 6, 2017

Most astrologers seem to agree on the fact that the month of August 2017 looks incredibly intense, with some already feeling the heat of the oncoming eclipses. With an impending…

Are You In Love With A Narcissist?

Posted: July 25, 2017

The term narcissism is related to Greek mythology and the story of Narcissus. Narcissus was handsome, self-involved, arrogant and in love with his own image. He couldn’t tear himself away…

July Full Moon In Capricorn : Power Struggles & Transformation

Posted: July 9, 2017

July full moon in Capricorn will highlights power struggles in relationships. Like the cardinal cross tussel, you can expect different areas of your life at polarities with each other. The…

June Full Moon In Sagittarius: Heal and Transform Yourself

Posted: June 8, 2017

The June Full Moon is one of the most potent in 2017. It falls in  Sagittarius, bringing issues like freedom, transformation and finally optimism to surface. Jupiter is the supreme god…

3 Signs You Are In A Co Dependent Relationship

Posted: June 7, 2017

Research defines codependency as a behavioural pattern in which you constantly seek approval or validation for your self esteem and identity. It can prevent you from having a healthy relationship…