June Full Moon In Sagittarius: Heal and Transform Yourself

Posted: June 8, 2017

The June Full Moon is one of the most potent in 2017. It falls in  Sagittarius, bringing issues like freedom, transformation and finally optimism to surface. Jupiter is the supreme god…

3 Signs You Are In A Co Dependent Relationship

Posted: June 7, 2017

Research defines codependency as a behavioural pattern in which you constantly seek approval or validation for your self esteem and identity. It can prevent you from having a healthy relationship…

What Have You Attracted In Your Life?

Posted: April 24, 2017

I understand, for some after life’s repeated beating, deep dejection can set in. But I also know, that we attract people, situations exactly in spaces of our life where growth is required. This is not to say, that should suffer endlessly on the contrary this is about going against self defeating thoughts which if carried on for a long period of time can physically debilitate you besides turning you negative.

Be the Chiron and Heal

Posted: October 25, 2015

In 2015 we also had the gentle Chiron make it’s presence felt. Each time Uranus caused havoc and Saturn watched grimly while Pluto un-relentlessly dug open old wounds – I looked for Chiron’s presence. As long as he was around – I knew things would be fine. Challenging yes, but fine. As we are in the process of wrapping up 2015 – remind yourselves of people around you, people who maybe just need to be heard. Try not to judge. You’re not wearing their shoes, try not not to mock/scoff when they carry on like a stuck record, you don’t know their story or what they are dealing with. Be kind, try be the Chiron in someone’s life.

The 4th House In Astrology & Tarot : Emotional Foundations

Posted: September 24, 2015

The fourth house is also the house of our childhood and our parents childhood and so-on. It represents the circle of life and size. It’s the house of what makes us into who we are as adults and it’s our past that we like to keep private. This is where we can find “Skeletons in the closet“. It represents resources used to rear us.