“She sings as the moon sings:
‘I am I, am I;
The greater grows my light
The further that I fly.’
All creation shivers
With that sweet cry.” – W. B. Yeats
We often find some people literally wax and wan with the moon eclipses. Moon, in astrology, is the ruler of zodiac Cancer. It speaks about our subconscious, things that move us and our personal desires. While on the one hand Sun reason represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious.
Where the Sun acts, the Moon reacts. Our sense of security, what anchors us, what moves us can be defined by where the Moon is placed in our charts. People with a strong moon placement come across as over emotional. This is more apparent, if they are ruled by any of the water signs, Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
Rather than fight the tide which Moon brings upon, it’s important to focus on what is the message of the Moon. Full moon can make you over emotional, especially if you are trying to suppress something that does not feel right. Listen to what your intuition is saying, listen to your body, your gut….what do you feel inside? This does not mean that if you are constantly feeling negative about others you should carry on doing so…maybe you are giving energy to things/people while you should be focussing on yourself.
For some of us, our Moons seem to drive our personalities more than any other planet or mainly Sun. For your peace of mind and happiness, not to indulge the effect of moon in your life beyond a point.
I’ve focused so far on negative emotions, but people often don’t trust their positive emotions, either, feeling that if they get too happy, some negative force is sure to be attracted to their good vibrations and attempt to ruin them. This may be called ” nothing good ever lasts,” “waiting for the other shoe to drop”, or “they’re just waiting for me to let down my guard before they strike.”
Grant Lewi, in Astrology for the Millions, offered the most evocative description of the Moon, “When you “know what you mean but you can’t say it,” it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can’t say it. “Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears” are the thoughts of your Moon’s nature. The wordless ecstasy, the mute sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself that you can’t get across to the world, or which the world doesn’t comprehend or value – these are the products of the Moon in your horoscope. When you are misunderstood, it is your Moon nature, expressed imperfectly through the Sun sign, that you feel is betrayed. When you know what you ought to do, but can’t find the right way to do it, it is your Moon that knows and your Sun that refuses to react in harmony. Also, when you “don’t know why I said that,” it was your Moon expressing despite your Sun (if you are innerly satisfied with the involuntary speech), or the Sun expressing against the will of the Moon (if you are displeased with what has slipped out). Things you know without thought – intuitions, hunches, instincts – are the products of the Moon. Modes of expression that you feel are truly your deepest self belong to the Moon: art, letters, creative work of any kind; sometimes love; sometimes business. Whatever you feel is most deeply yourself, whether or not you are able to do anything about it in the outer world, is the product of your Moon and of the sign your Moon occupies at birth.”
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